Brand Campaign 2024
NFL Sunday Ticket
When you have NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube TV you have the entire day of football all in one place. So we took that literally.
Client: YouTube (but very much Becca Wadlinger and Christian Haas and many more)
Partner: Heather Ryder
Director: Matthijs van Heijningen
VFX: The Mill
Migration Super Bowl
NFL Sunday Ticket
Selling an expensive NFL television subscription at the end of the NFL football season has its inherent challenges. But when life gives you challenges you make flying NFL football players with it.
Client: YouTube (but very much Becca Wadlinger and Christian Haas and many more)
Partner: Heather Ryder
Director: Matthijs van Heijningen
VFX: Blacksmith
Brand Campaign 2023
NFL Sunday Ticket
Being a cynical NFL fan is hard. Somehow you’re born into a team and presto, that’s your team forever. Sure you can have other teams on the side but that original team is your forever team. Then you grow up, move away from home, and now it’s even harder because you can’t even watch this team you’re stuck with. Thank the stars YouTube and NFL Sunday Ticket teamed up to make being a far away fan of a team you probably don’t even want a whole lot easier. Together, they made being a cynical NFL fan a little bit easier.
Client: YouTube (but very much Becca Wadlinger and Christian Haas and Sonia Pandya and many more)
Partner: Heather Ryder
Director: Lance Acord
VFX: Blacksmith
Wait'll You See This
Snapchat is bonkers. All those unexpected lenses you put on your face or in your text messages or combine with your best friends photo is all just bonkers. But it turns out bonkers is actually engineered to bring you closer to your friends in the healthiest way on the internet. So we told some short stories about that bonkers. Some people got scared.
Client: Snapchat (but really a lot of really great humans like Eric Baldwin)
Partner: Heather Ryder
Director: Andreas Nilsson
VFX: Bacon X
See Toys Everywhere
Toys are all around you. You just need a little advice from childhood and a toy brand like Fisher-Price to remember how to see them.
Creatives: Michael Brandes & Ragen Fykes
Designers: Shannon Dunlop, Greg Radich, Neil Hilken, Adam Sirkin, & Dejana Peric
Producer: Marcy Smith & Patrick Cahalan
Chatter Phone Launch
On our eternal mission to make Fisher-Price famous we turned everyone’s first mobile phone into a real bluetooth enabled phone that was available at Best Buy. It sold out everywhere in 12 hours. This was the day the invasion of adulthood began.
Partners: Becca Wadlinger, Heather Ryder, and Matthew Carroll
Creatives: Jes Marquez & Ryan Hartsfield
Motion Artists: Jeff Ackley & Chang Xu
Producer: Austin Shore
A Place For Together
Being with family is the best and worst of times. And with all those emotions we wanted to share, with Vrbo, that together is right where you belong with a tv spot and a big ol’ OOH campaign.
Partner: Becca Wadlinger
Broadcast Creatives: Elora Clement & Kamey Murphy
OOH Creatives: Becky Brinkerhoff & Eric Reigert
Broadcast Producer: Nick Sage
Director: Sara Dunlop
Photographer: Micaiah Carter
Let's Be Kids Brand
You only get a few opportunities in a professional lifetime to help relaunch and completely reposition a company as iconic as Fisher-Price. And after 10 months of working with the best partners and an incredible client we began telling Fisher-Price’s new story. A story inviting adults back into the incredible world of kids. A world where play is how you communicate with each other.
Partner: Heather Ryder
Creatives: Derek Szynal & Caitlin Alexander
Producer: Sarah Sweeny
Director: Ringan Ledwidge
VFX: Blacksmith
A lot of work that gets lost in repositioning an entire brand like Fisher-Price. So I’ll try to not let it get lost below. Work that laid the foundation for an entire company. Hard work from Strategist Nathan Goldberg, Writer Andy Laugenour, Art Director Matthew Carroll, Designer Eric Reigert & Curtis Panchunka, and literally hundreds of others.
Let's Be Kids Toys
Toys are the greatest thing in the world to kids. So we wanted to remind adults the incredibility of toys in these Fisher-Price toy ads. They’re supposed to be funny.
Partner: Heather Ryder
Creatives: Matthew Carroll, Madeleine Trebenski, and Andy Laugenour
Producer: Candice Harbour
Director: Andreas Nilsson
Here’s some proof that toy advertising can be pretty and smart. Which isn’t surprising when the writer, Derek Szynal, is pretty and the art director, Caitlin Alexander, is smart.
This campaign told the story of toys through culture as filtered through a bit of kid logic.
Partner: Heather Ryder
Creatives: Abby Christensen, Cam Soane, Nicole Blauw, and Tim Semple
Producer: Cecilia Ramirez and Katie Schaller
Production Partner: House Special
Original Recipe
Kentucky Fried Chicken
To sell KFC’s Original Recipe you probably need the Original Colonel. So we probably brought back his original commercials with some modern creative tweaks.
Partner: Heather Ryder
Creative Directors: Jason Kreher & Freddie Powell
Director: Ulf Johansson
VFX: Method
Space Sandwich
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Sometimes you have to put a spicy, crispy chicken sandwich into space. And to get there you need a spicy, crispy chicken sandwich, a Rob Lowe Colonel, and a high tech KFC bucket satellite fit for space travel.
Partner: Heather Ryder
Creative Directors: Eric Baldwin & Jason Kreher
Director: Andreas Nilsson
Production Company: Media Monks
Photographer: Art Streiber
No but for real, we actually attempted to put KFC’s Zinger chicken sandwich into space with the help a space start-up company called World View.
To get the sandwich to space we also needed to create the most hi-tech KFC bucket that’s ever existed. A bucket built by the incredible Media Monks. (There are no words to explain how great the Monks are except maybe a few of the words I just used)
Ok look, Heather and I made a lot of stuff in this space adventure. Official space patches. In the event of alien abductions we included a golden cassette tape of the Colonel giving KFC franchising advice. A one-of-a-kind actual meteorite melted down and sculpted into the form of a Zinger that sold for $20,000.00 to a vegan family. A website.
Nashville Hot
Kentucky Fried Chicken
This one time, we reinvented Colonel Sanders as a 1950s heart throb Nashville Colonel to sell KFC’s Nashville Hot Chicken. We used the talented Vincent Kartheiser and some other actors. That was fun.
Partner: Ansel Wallenfang
Creative Directors: Eric Baldwin & Jason Kreher
Director: Tom Kuntz
Photographer: Art Streiber
The Extra Crispy Colonel
Kentucky Fried Chicken
When Kentucky Fried Chicken has extra crispy chicken sandwiches to tell people about you do it with Extra Crispy Colonel, George Hamilton. Note to self, try to grow up and be George Hamilton.
Partner: Ansel Wallenfang
Creative Directors: Eric Baldwin & Jason Kreher
Director: Jeff Low
And along with George Hamilton you can’t forget the food stars themselves, The Littles.
Partner: Ansel Wallenfang
Creative Directors: Eric Baldwin & Jason Kreher
Director: Trevor Shepard & Woodshop
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Colonel Harland Sanders was a man of high chicken standards. But sometimes KFC restaurants aren’t living up to those standards. And when they don’t, they have to get re-Colonelized. In 2016 there was a lot of re-colonelization going on so we told America about it and this is how.
Partner: Ansel Wallenfang
Creative Directors: Eric Baldwin & Kathy Hepinstall
Producer: Melanie Fedunok
Director: Jeff Low
Never Sellout
Sometimes in advertising there is nothing to sell. And that was true about TurboTax who was going to help 60 million American’s do their taxes for free. So we told them about it at the Super Bowl and some other places.
Partner: Matt Skibiak
Creative Directors: Max Stinson & Eric Fahrenkopf
Producer: Jennifer Fiske
Director: Steve Rogers
Then we teased the ad online because weirdly, people are excited about commercials at the Super Bowl. Except we did it by telling people who wasn't going to be in the Super Bowl ad for TurboTax.
Script to Screen
Sony is a giant company that people often forget about. So we reminded them in-between their favorite television shows.
Partner: Derek Szynal
Creative Directors: Stuart Brown & Chris Groom
Producer: Jessica Staples
Director: Daniel Wolfe
We also concepted print and digital on the entire shoot with photographer Thomas Prior. None of it came to be, but the photos are pretty.
My Butt
Weight loss is hard. Like, super hard. Because weight loss isn’t a problem with our body as much as it’s a problem with our brain. We told people about this a lot of different ways. Here's one.
Partner: Derek Szynal
Creative Directors: Michael Tabtabai & Jason Kreher
Director: John Hillcoat
We also created a unique library of food images with photographer Marcus Nilsson and food stylist Victoria Granof. Those two and their people are amazing.
Here is the positioning that won the business.
Underwater Apps
In 2014, Sony invented the world's first water friendly phone. So we invented a way for the phone to know it was under this water. Then we invented a suite of water friendly apps. Here are a few.
Partners: Charlie Gschwend & Billy McDermott
Creative Directors: Mike Geipert & Dan Hon
Producers: Pierre Wendling & Tricia Huetig
The app named Goldie turns your Xperia phone into a gold fish tank. When the phone is out of the water, the gold fish flops like a fish out of water. When the Xperia phone is dunked in the water the gold fish swims around. Tada.
Plantimal is like a water dependent Tamagotchi for the Xperia phone. You start from a seed, water it regularly, and grow your own unique not-real plant.
Sink Sunk is a Jacques Cousteau style exploratory submarine game where users have to explore as far as they can without engaging deadly sea creatures. But like any submarine, it needs to be under real life water to explore.
How a Car is Made
The greatest thing Chrysler built in 2014 was not a car. It was a factory that built the car. So we documented it with photographer Christian Weber. He is the best. You should shoot with him. Here are a few of the photographs we captured.
Partner: Danielle Delph
Creative Directors: Aaron Allen, Michael Tabtabai & Kevin Jones
Photographer: Christian Weber
Be Moved
Sony had a lot of things to say in 2014 so we said them a lot of ways.
Partner: Derek Szynal
Creative Directors: Mike Giepert
Director: Stacy Wall
And for all the things they had to say we made one place where they could say them all.
Partners: Charlie Gschwend
Creative Directors: Mike Giepert & Dan Hon
Producers: Pierre Wendling
Production: AssemblyLTD
The Beginning of the End of Skimping in America
This is the best thing I will never make. This is just a rip.
Partner: Derek Szynal
Creative Directors: Aaron Allen, Kevin Jones & Michael Tabtabai
Editor: Damion Clayton
How to Change Cars Forever
I'm told when you concept, design, build, and sell a car in only 18 months you’ve changed the way a car is made. So that's what we told people.
Partners: Justine Armour & Jared Elms
Creative Directors: Aaron Allen, Joe Staples & Michael Tabtabai
Producers: Corey Bartha & Jeff Selis
Editor: Kyle Valenta
Director: Christopher Riggert
Designers: Steven Denekas & Jason Murray
We also made things that don’t play on the television with photographer Christopher Griffith.
Hard to Please People
American Express
A lot of ideas get killed for good reasons. This one got killed for a not good reason. But it will live on in this catalog.
Partner: Derek Szynal
Creative Directors: Aaron Allen & Joe Staples
Imported From Detroit
Imported From Detroit is one of the greatest advertising campaigns of all time. The stuff you never saw is the stuff I did.
Partner: Derek Szynal
Creative Directors: Aaron Allen & Joe Staples
Director: Melodie McDaniel
Rebuilding Trust with you Friends
Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed
The original Assassin’s Creed was a game about stabbing your friends. With all this death we decided to make these really weird videos, websites and pamphlets to pretend help people with their pretend problem.
Partner: Derek Szynal
Creative Director: Chuck McBride
Director: Harold Einstein
At gaming festivals we handed out material to help gamers with their killing problems. A bunch of pamphlets, websites and hotlines pretend helped people.
Never Hide
Here are some artisanal commercial arts for Ray-Ban. They were supposed to tell people about Ray-Ban and had varying levels of success. Mostly the lower levels of success.
Partner: Derek Szynal
Creative Director: Chuck McBride & Travis Britton
La Movida is a counter-culture tradition in Spain that Ray-Ban wanted to celebrate. So we created a Ray-Ban album that countered their counter-culture by profiting off the sales of said album. You basically graffitied a digital wall along with bunches of other people and curated music for a commemorative La Movida album. Back in the early aughts this wasn't a bad idea.
Here is a sample of a zine I made for the china market. I have no idea what it says because I can’t read chinese.
The record of a short-lived voice over career
If you've made it this far, congratulations. As a reward here is a picture of just another white male Creative Director. It's also a picture of me. And here is my email: